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15 fun facts about me

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For more things, check my About page.

I assume that you are on this website/page because you were either curious or, found something that sparked your interest, and wanted to find out more. So, welcome!

I go by Em, and I’m the “mastermind” behind this blog… well, to be completely honest, I am the “all” person as I run this website all by myself, from its design and maintenance to writing and photography. Though, when it comes to the latter, I have my husband’s help - he’s my '“personal” photographer and my number one supporter.

In an effort to get to know me better, I wanted to share 15 fun facts about me that I hope you enjoy. Can you relate to any?

  1. I’m an ocean person thru & thru. The ocean and the beach are truly my happy places.

  2. I like quiet places, and avoid crowds as much as possible. Being in nature is ideal for me.

  3. I don’t go to coffee shops, and I make my coffee every day at home. I have been using this one for a while now, as I have given up on my Keurig, K-cups, and coffee pods - I feel that they are too much waste.

    I take my coffee with no sugar or sweetener, though with a splash of whatever plant-based milk I have - preferably coconut; I cannot, for the life of me, drink regular milk - I tried, it didn’t go well.

  4. I don’t like the taste of American brands coffee - it’s way too bitter and “burnt” for me. When I don’t drink instant coffee though, I love this Italian one to make in my stovetop espresso maker or in this French coffee press (it works great!).

  5. I’m usually grumpy in the morning until I’ve had my coffee.

  6. I’m obsessed with houseplants and flowers (orchids are some of my very favorites). I used to have a jungle of them before we began moving around.

  7. I do not watch "reality" TV (yes, I intentionally used quotations marks) - unless it's HGTV, and only for the design and decor part of it.

  8. I don’t leave the house without wearing a pair of earrings.

  9. I am obsessed with blue and white (in case you couldn’t already tell).

  10. My husband and I met online, and, as I’m writing this, we've been married for over 7 years and counting.

  11. I love to read.

  12. ​I love to travel, but hotels give me the chills (not the good kind). I travel with disinfecting wipes and shower shoes - ALWAYS, and I NEVER go barefoot in a hotel! If we travel by car, my own clean sheets and towels are usually packed as well. #truestory

  13. A dress is truly the most comfortable and easy outfit for me; now if only I could wear one all the time...

  14. Eating healthy is important to me. I eat meat only a handful of times per year, but never beef and/or pork (nothing religious about it).

  15. I wish I didn't have to sleep so I could have more time to do the things I don't get to normally. But then, wouldn’t we all?

​Please share a fun fact, or as many as you like, in the comments below - I'd love to get to know you.

Until next time.

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