Blooming Magnolias Blog

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The calm before the storm?

Without a doubt, we’re going through a nerve-racking time, and I can’t imagine I have to pinpoint the reasons for this. I don’t have much to say today, apart from the fact that I’m trying to remain hopeful that the good will prevail, and that above all, we want the best for ourselves and the people around us. It’s what I kept in mind yesterday while casting my vote for a future different than what we’re living now.

These days I’m trying to stay away from the chaos and I keep my sanity by immersing myself in reading. I’m also trying to make time for meditation, as it’s the only thing that can ground me, and clear my mind; I really don’t know why I haven’t kept a consistent schedule meditating this year.

If you feel as anxious as me, check this post as well, for a few more ideas on how to keep swimming these days. And above all, have faith, and don’t give in to hate.

Sending love to you all. And, please, please VOTE!

Until next time.



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